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Year 1 Blackpool Zoo Trip

Class: Class 3 (Year 1) Year: 2023 - 2024

Year 1 Blackpool Zoo Trip

Yesterday, Year 1 had an amazing day out at Blackpool Zoo and the children's behaviour was outstanding! The staff were extremely proud of the respect they displayed to the animals, the zoo keepers, and the other visitors, whilst at the zoo.

The children enjoyed seeing the huge tigers in the new 'Big Cats enclosure' - Class 3 children were able to watch feeding time at the enclosure, a fascinating but true display of what fierce creatures they are! The sealion show was a highlight of the day, with children watching the Californian sealions catching hoops and balancing balls on their noses. We even got a wave from them!

With comments from the children like “Best day ever!” and “The zoo is my favourite trip!” we are certain that the day was a huge success... even with the drizzly Blackpool weather.

Thank you to Year 1 staff and helpers for making it a wonderful day, and to Friends Association for their contribution towards the cost of the trip.

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