Year 1 trip to St Helens Theatre Royal to watch Aladdin
Start: 12th Dec 2023 9:00am
Duration: 3 hours
Dear Parents/ Carers,
We have organised a trip to St Helens Theatre Royal to watch Aladdin. The Friends have very kindly offered to pay towards this trip, leaving a cost of £13.00 per child only.
The date for this trip is Tuesday 12th December 2023. We will be leaving school at approximately 9.15a.m. and returning to school at lunchtime.
The trip money should be paid via School Money – further information will be sent home.
We do recognise that in this current financial climate school trips can be costly and it is for this reason that the Friends of Lowton West are assisting with the cost of the coach.
Information regarding the trip:
Please could your child wear school uniform.
The Infant Children will receive a packed lunch provided for them by the kitchen. If you wish to provide your own child’s packed lunch you need to bring it in a disposable carrier bag clearly labelled with their name.
Please provide your child with a drink and a snack
The children must not bring any money on the day.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Meighen, Mrs Copley and Mrs Trickett